How Do I Add a Menu Editor in WordPress?

Adding a menu editor to your WordPress blog is a relatively easy process. Once you have installed and configured the plugin, all you need to do is add a few lines of code to your theme’s functions.

php file.

To add the menu editor, open your theme’s functions.php file and add the following code:

add_action( ‘init’, ‘add_menu_editor’ ); function add_menu_editor() { register_nav_menu( ‘primary’ ); }

This code registers the “primary” menu as a default menu item. You can then use the menu editor to create your own menus. To do this, first activate the menu editor by clicking the “Menu Editor” link in the main WordPress toolbar.

Then, drag and drop menu items from the main WordPress menu to the editor window. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts + (Mac) or + (Windows) to add and remove menu items from the editor.

When you’re finished, click the “Save” button to save your changes. Then, click the “Close” button to dismiss the menu editor.

Finally, click the “Go to Theme Home” link in the main WordPress toolbar to return to your theme’s main menu.

Congratulations! You have now added a menu editor to your WordPress blog.