How Do I Add a Menu Bar in WordPress?

Adding a menu bar in WordPress is a quick and easy process. To add a menu bar, open the WordPress admin area and go to the Appearance > Menus menu item.

On the menu bar screen, click the Add New Menu Item button. In the Add New Menu Item dialog box, enter a name for the menu item (for example, Home), and then select the type of menu (dropdown menu, single menu item, or submenu).

In the Menu Item Type dropdown box, select the type of menu you want to add. For dropdown menus, select the Menu Type dropdown box, and then select the type of dropdown menu you want to create (for example, Categories, Posts, or Recent Posts).

In the Menu Item Name dropdown box, enter a name for the menu item.

In the Menu Item Position dropdown box, select the position of the menu item in the menu bar. The options are Above Menu Bar, Below Menu Bar, or in the Menu Item Title Area.

In the Menu Item Content Area, enter the content for the menu item.

Click the Save button to create the menu item.

To add a submenu to a menu item, first create the menu item. Then, in the Menu Item Content Area, enter the content for the submenu item.

To add a submenu to a dropdown menu, first create the dropdown menu. Then, in the Menu Item Content Area, enter the content for the submenu items.