How Do I Add a Hit Counter to WordPress?

Adding a hit counter to your WordPress site can be a useful way to track visitor activity and improve your website’s analytics. There are a number of different hit counters available, and all of them require a bit of configuration.

To add a hit counter to your WordPress site, first make sure you have the required plugin installed. There are a number of different hit counters available, and the most popular ones are HitCounter and Google Analytics for WordPress.

Once you have the plugin installed, you’ll need to configure it. The first step is to choose a counter from the available options.

HitCounter offers a variety of counters, including pageviews, unique visitors, and pageviews per hour. Google Analytics for WordPress also offers a variety of counters, including total visits, unique visitors, and pageviews.

Once you have chosen a counter, you’ll need to set up a tracking script. The tracking script is a small program that tells the hit counter how to track your visitor activity.

The tracking script can be written in any language, but the most common scripts are PHP and JavaScript.

To set up the tracking script, you’ll need to create a file called hitcounter.php or hitcounter.

js on your WordPress site. The file should contain the following code:.

api_key; // Configure the tracking object. $tracking->setConfig(‘hitcounter_url’, ‘’); // Enable tracking. $tracking->enable();.

Once you have written the tracking script, you need to upload it to your WordPress site. You can do this by clicking on the “Settings” button on the hit counter plugin’s main page, and then clicking on the “Configure” button. In the “Configure” dialog box, you’ll need to paste the hitcounter.

php or hitcounter.js file into the “Settings” text field and click on the “Save” button.

Once the tracking script is installed and configured, you’ll need to visit your WordPress site’s page to view the statistics.

The hit counter will display the number of pageviews, unique visitors, and pageviews per hour for each day or week.