How Do I Add AdSense Code to WordPress?

Adding AdSense code to WordPress is a fairly simple process. First, you will need to find the AdSense code that you want to use.

You can find this information by visiting the AdSense website and clicking on the “Code” button next to the ad that you want to use. Once you have the code, you can add it to your WordPress site by following these steps:.

1. First, you will need to find the location of the WordPress files.

On most computers, this will be located in the “wp-content” folder.

2. Next, you will need to open the wp-content folder and locate the “plugins” folder.

3. Inside the plugins folder, you will find a folder called “adsense”.

Inside the adsense folder, you will find a file called “adsense.php”.

4. Finally, you will need to open the adsense.

php file and add the code that you copied from the AdSense website into the appropriate spots.

That’s all there is to it! Once you have added the code, you will need to activate the plugin in WordPress by going to the “Plugins” menu and selecting “AdSense” from the list of plugins. You will then need to enter your AdSense account information and click “Save Changes”.