How Do I Add a Header Block in WordPress?

Adding a header block to your WordPress blog is easy. To do this, open the header.php file in your WordPress directory and locate the following line:

Replace this line with the following code to add a header block:

The header block includes the following:

The title of the blog

The blog’s name

The blog’s category

The author of the blog

The email address for the author

Notice that the header block includes a class of “header.” This class is used to style the header block in different ways.

To add a different style for the header block, add a class to the


In this example, the header block is styled with a green background and blue text. To change these styles, add a class of “header-green” and “header-blue” to the


Finally, notice the

element. This element includes a list of links to the different sections of the blog. To add a link to a section in the header block, add the following code to the