How Do I Add a Drop Down Menu in Bootstrap WordPress?

Bootstrap provides a drop down menu component that can be easily added to any Bootstrap powered WordPress site. To add a drop down menu, follow these simple steps:

1. Add the Bootstrap drop down menu component to your WordPress theme or plugin.

2. Create a file called functions.php and add the following code:

// Add the Bootstrap drop down menu function addDropDownMenu() { $wp_query = new WP_Query(); $wp_query->add( ‘option=dropdownmenu&tab=3′, ‘dropdownmenu’); return $wp_query; }

3. Add the following code to your posts or pages:

4. Enable the drop down menu in the WordPress admin panel.

5. Finally, add a link to the drop down menu in your posts or pages.

The completed code should look like this:

// Add the Bootstrap drop down menu function addDropDownMenu() { $wp_query = new WP_Query(); $wp_query->add( ‘option=dropdownmenu&tab=3′, ‘dropdownmenu’); return $wp_query; } // Enable the drop down menu in the WordPress admin panel function enableDropDownMenu() { global $wp_query; $wp_query->menu_items = array(); $wp_query->set( ‘option=dropdownmenu&tab=3′, ‘dropdownmenu’); } ?>


Adding a Bootstrap powered drop down menu to your WordPress site is easy and can improve the user experience.