How Do I Add a Cookie Policy in WordPress?

Adding a cookie policy in WordPress is easy. Just go to the “Settings” menu and select “Cookies”.

There you will see a list of all the cookies that are currently enabled on your site. To add a new cookie, just click on the “Add New Cookie” button and fill out the required fields.

The most important field is the name of the cookie. This is the name that will appear in the browser’s cookies menu. You can also specify a domain that the cookie will be effective for (for example, www.example.

com). You can also set a time limit (in minutes) for the cookie to remain active.

When you’re done, click on the “Submit” button to save your changes. WordPress will now send a request to the server to set the new cookie.

Finally, you should also add a policy for cookies that are disabled by default. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu and select “Privacy”.

There you will see a list of all the cookies that are currently disabled on your site. To enable a cookie, just click on the “Enable” button next to the cookie name. WordPress will now send a request to the server to enable the cookie.