How Do I Create a Dynamic Contact Form in WordPress?

Creating a dynamic contact form in WordPress is relatively easy. First, create a new contact form widget in your WordPress admin area.

You can find this widget by searching for “contact form” in the WordPress admin area. Once you locate the contact form widget, click on it to open the edit form dialog box.

In the edit form dialog box, you will need to provide the following information:

Title: This field is where you will provide the title of your contact form.

This field is where you will provide the title of your contact form. Description: This field is where you will provide a brief description of your contact form.

This field is where you will provide a brief description of your contact form. Email Address: This field is where you will provide your email address.

This field is where you will provide your email address. Contact Form Type: This field is where you will select the type of contact form that you want to create. You can select from the following contact form types:

This field is where you will select the type of contact form that you want to create. You can select from the following contact form types: Email



Message Board

Blog Comments

Event Registration

Application Form

You can also create custom contact form types by clicking on the “Create Custom Contact Form Type” button.

After you have provided the necessary information, you will need to provide the following contact form data:

Title: This field is where you will provide the title of the contact form.

This field is where you will provide the title of the contact form. Body: This field is where you will provide the body of the contact form.

This field is where you will provide the body of the contact form. Image: This field is where you will provide the image URL of the contact form.

This field is where you will provide the image URL of the contact form. Button Text: This field is where you will provide the text that will be displayed next to the contact form button.

This field is where you will provide the text that will be displayed next to the contact form button. Email Subject: This field is where you will provide the subject of the email that will be sent when the contact form is submitted.

This field is where you will provide the subject of the email that will be sent when the contact form is submitted. Message: This field is where you will provide the message that will be displayed when the contact form is submitted.

After you have completed the form fields, you will need to provide the following contact form data:

Form Action: This field is where you will provide the URL that will be used to submit the contact form.

This field is where you will provide the URL that will be used to submit the contact form. Send Email On Form Submission: This field is where you will select the action that will be taken when the contact form is submitted. You can select from the following options:

This field is where you will select the action that will be taken when the contact form is submitted. You can select from the following options: Do Nothing

Send Email

Post to Blog

Send Email and Post to Blog

Send Email and RSS Feed

Send Email and Post to Message Board

Send Email and Event Registration

After you have provided the contact form data, you will need to click on the “Create Contact Form” button to create the form.