How Do I Add a Column to a WordPress Page?

Adding a column to a WordPress page is a simple process. To add a column to a page, first go to the Posts page in your WordPress admin area.

Then click on the “Pages” link in the left-hand column.

On the Pages page, click on the “Add New” button. In the “Title” field, type a title for your new column. In the “Type” field, choose “Text.

” In the “Text” field, type a description of the column. Click on the “Save” button.

Now, you need to add a row to your WordPress table. To do this, go to the Posts page and click on the “Rows” link in the left-hand column. On the Rows page, click on the “Add New” button. In the “Title” field, type a title for your new row.

In the “Type” field, choose “Row.” In the “Text” field, type a description of the row.

Now, you need to add a column to your WordPress table. To do this, go to the Posts page and click on the “Columns” link in the left-hand column. On the Columns page, click on the “Add New” button.

In the “Type” field, choose “Text.” In the “Text” field, type a description of the column.

Your new column is now added to the Posts page. To use the column, go to the Posts page and click on the “Text” column title.

The column title will be highlighted in yellow. To add a post to the column, type the post title in the “Text” field and press the “Enter” key.