How Do I Create a Shortcode in WordPress Example?

Creating a shortcode in WordPress is easy. In fact, all you need is a text editor and a few simple instructions.

To create a shortcode in WordPress, open your text editor of choice and type the following:


This is all you need to create a shortcode. You can now insert the shortcode into any post or page in your WordPress site.

To use your new shortcode, simply type [my-shortcode] into the WordPress post or page where you want to use it, and WordPress will automatically insert the code for you.

If you’re not sure how to use a shortcode, don’t worry. WordPress provides a detailed explanation of shortcodes on its main page.

Just scroll down to the “Shortcodes” section and you’ll find everything you need to know.

Finally, don’t forget to share your shortcodes with the rest of the WordPress community by sharing this article on social media or by posting a link to it on your website. It would be great to see how you’ve used shortcodes on your site, and other WordPress users can benefit from your tips and tricks.


Creating shortcodes in WordPress is easy, and you can use them to save time and hassle when writing posts and pages in the WordPress platform. Just be sure to understand how they work before using them, and don’t forget to share your creations with the rest of the WordPress community.