How Do I Add a Captcha to WordPress?

Adding a captcha to your WordPress site is a great way to prevent spam and protect your site from automated attacks. There are a number of different captcha plugins available, but the best way to choose one is to try out a few and see which one works best for your site.

To add a captcha, first find a plugin that you like and install it. Once it’s installed, go to the plugin’s settings page and find the Captcha section.

You’ll need to enter the captcha code and the time it should take for the user to submit the code. You can also set a limit on how many times the user can submit the code in a row.

Next, go to your WordPress site’s admin area and find the Security section. You’ll need to add a new rule that allows users to submit the captcha code.

You can also set a threshold for how many failed attempts a user can make before being temporarily banned from the site.

Finally, make sure that the Captcha plugin is enabled and activated on your WordPress site. You can do this by going to the Plugins menu and clicking on the Captcha plugin.

Then, click on the Enable button to make sure it’s activated.