How Do I Add a Captcha in WordPress?

Adding a captcha to your WordPress site can help protect your site from being hacked. There are a few different ways to add a captcha to your WordPress site.

One way is to add a simple CAPTCHA widget to your WordPress site. This is the easiest way to add a captcha, and it can be done by clicking the “Add a widget” button on the WordPress Dashboard, or by going to the “Add a New Widget” screen and clicking the “Captcha” tab.

Another way to add a captcha is to use the Captcha plugin. This plugin allows you to add a captcha to your WordPress site without having to code anything.

Simply install the Captcha plugin, and then add the Captcha widget to your WordPress site.

Once you have added a captcha to your WordPress site, you will need to configure it. To do this, go to the Captcha settings screen, and enter the details of the captcha.

You will also need to enter the URL of the site where the captcha will be displayed.

Finally, you will need to configure the Captcha plugin to use the Captcha you have added to your WordPress site. To do this, go to the Captcha settings screen, and click the “Configure” button.

In the “Configure” screen, you will need to enter the details of the captcha, including the URL of the site where the captcha will be displayed.

Once you have configured the Captcha plugin and the Captcha widget, you will be ready to start protecting your WordPress site from hackers.