How Do I Add a Call Button to My WordPress Header?

Adding a call button to your WordPress header is a quick and easy way to increase engagement and help your visitors take action. You can easily add a call button to your header using the following steps:

1. Go to your WordPress header and click on the “Add New” button.

2. In the “Type” field, select “Button”.

3. In the “Text” field, type a catchy call to action, such as “Book a Room”.

4. Click on the “Create” button.

5. You will now see your call button in the header.

You can customize the look and feel of your call button by clicking on the “Settings” button and selecting the “Button” tab.

Now that you have added a call button to your WordPress header, it is time to conclude this article. Congratulations! You have just created a powerful way for your visitors to take action.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.