How Do I Add a Header to My WordPress Post?

Adding a header to your WordPress post is as simple as adding a few lines of code to the top of your post. To add a header to your WordPress post, simply add the following code to the top of your post:

My Post Title

The header class is what tells WordPress which header to use for your post, and the container div is where your header will appear. You can use any CSS you like to style your header, but for the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll use the following code:.header {

width: 100%;

height: 100%;


You can also add text to your header, and you can even add a logo if you want. For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll leave our header as is.

Now that we have our header set up, we need to add some content to our post. To do that, we’ll use the WordPress post content editor.

To access the post content editor, click on the Posts tab on the left-hand side of the WordPress admin area, and then click on the post you want to edit.

Once you are in the post content editor, you will see the following screen:

The first thing we need to do is add some content to our post. To do that, we’ll add a new paragraph and type the following text:

Header added!

This is how you add a header to your WordPress post. You can use this same approach to add a header to any post, regardless of the theme you are using.

If you want to learn more about headers in WordPress, be sure to check out the following resources:

-How to Add a Header to a WordPress Post

-The Different Types of WordPress Headers.