How Can a Post Id Be Retrieved From the Permalink in WordPress?

Post IDs are a unique identifier for each post on a WordPress site. They’re used to track the posts on a site, and to make sure that posts are ordered correctly.

You can retrieve a post’s ID using the wp_get_post() function. This function takes an ID as its only argument.

You can use this ID to retrieve the post information from the database, or to update the post’s status.

The wp_get_post() function returns a post object, which you can use to access the post’s properties. For example, you can use the get_post_meta() function to access the post’s metadata.

The wp_get_post() function is also useful for performing actions on a post. For example, you can use the wp_delete_post() function to delete a post.

The wp_get_post() function is located in the wp_posts table in the WordPress database.