How Do I Edit a Permalink in WordPress?

Editing a permalink in WordPress is simple, but it can be confusing if you’re not familiar with the process. Here are steps to follow:

1. Click the Posts button on your WordPress dashboard.

2. Locate the post you want to edit and click the Permalink link in the header.

3. On the Permalink page, you’ll see the post’s title, date, and other metadata.

4. To change the permalink, click on the text field and enter the new title.

5. If you want to change the date or time of the post, click on the corresponding button and enter the new value.

6. Click the Save button to save your changes.

7. To view your permalink changes, click on the Posts tab again and select the post you just edited.

8. The permalink will now show the new title and date.

9. You’re done! You can now re-publish the post to update the permalink on all of your devices.

If you’re ever curious about how permalinks work on WordPress, you can check out the wp_options table. This table holds all of the permalink settings for a post, and you can change them by editing the permalink field in the wp_posts table.