Can You Combine Themes in WordPress?

Theme combining is a common technique in WordPress theme development. It allows you to combine different themes into a single WordPress installation.

This can be useful if you want to create a theme that uses features of two or more different themes.

When you combine themes, you need to be aware of the implications of the combination. For example, if you combine the Twenty Fifteen and Twenty Sixteen themes, the resulting theme will use the default WordPress settings and style.

You will not be able to change the theme settings or add your own customizations.

If you combine themes with the intention of modifying them, be sure to read the documentation for each theme before you start. This will help you understand how the theme works and what changes you will need to make.

Finally, remember that combining themes can increase the complexity of your theme development project. While it can be a fun way to experiment with different theme combinations, be prepared to spend more time planning and testing your theme before you launch it into the world.