Can You Add Tags to Pages in WordPress?

Adding tags to pages in WordPress is an easy way to categorize and manage content on your website. Tags help you find specific content more easily, and they make it easy to create custom search results.

You can add tags to any page or post on your website. To add a tag, go to the Pages section of your WordPress admin area, and click the Add New Tag link.

You can use any of the standard WordPress tags, or you can create your own. For example, you could use the tag “travel” to group all the articles about traveling on your website together.

To find content that has been tagged with a specific tag, go to the Pages section of your WordPress admin area, and click the Tag List link. The Tag List will show you all the posts and pages that have been tagged with that tag.

You can also use the Tag List to create custom search results. For example, you could search for posts that have been tagged with the “travel” tag.