Can I Import My Website Into WordPress?

Now that we have a good understanding of what WordPress is and how it works, it’s time to talk about how to import a website into WordPress.

Importing a website into WordPress is a fairly straight forward process. All you need to do is connect your website to WordPress via FTP or SSH, and then follow the steps outlined in the WordPress Import Wizard.

Once you’ve completed the wizard, your website will be imported into WordPress and ready to use.

One thing to keep in mind is that your website may not look exactly the same after it’s been imported. WordPress is a powerful platform and it can often modify the look and functionality of websites that are imported into it.

However, if you’re happy with the way your website looks after it’s been imported, that’s all that matters.


Importing a website into WordPress is a simple process that can be done by anyone with a little know-how. Once your website is imported, it’s ready to be used in WordPress, and you can start modifying it to fit the style and needs of the platform.