How Do I Import a Website Into WordPress?

Importing a website into WordPress can be a daunting task, but with a little preparation and a few simple steps, it’s easy to get your website up and running in no time.

First, you’ll need to find the website you want to import. If the website is hosted on a server outside of WordPress, you’ll need to export the website’s contents as a .zip or .

rar file. You can find instructions for exporting a website here.

Once the website’s content is ready, you’ll need to upload it to your WordPress site. To do this, you’ll need to upload the .

rar file to your site’s root directory. You can find information on uploading files to WordPress here.

Once the files are uploaded, you’ll need to create a new WordPress site and add the website as a source. To do this, go to your site’s admin area and click on the “Sources” tab. Next, click on the “Add New Source” button and enter the URL for the .

rar file you uploaded. Click on the “Add Source” button and your website will be imported into WordPress.

Finally, you’ll need to configure your site’s settings. To do this, go to your site’s admin area and click on the “Appearance” tab.

Next, click on the “WordPress Customizer” button and enter your site’s settings.


Importing a website into WordPress is a simple task that can be accomplished in minutes. By following these steps, you’ll be ready to get your website up and running in no time.