Can I Change My Username on WordPress?

There is no definitive answer to this question – each WordPress account is unique, and therefore each user’s username is specific to them. However, there are a number of ways in which a user can change their username on WordPress.

First and foremost, a user can change their username by accessing the WordPress admin area and clicking on the Users tab. From here, they can select their username and click on the Change User button.

Secondly, a user can change their username by logging into their WordPress account and going to the Profile page. This page can be found by clicking on the Username link in the top right corner of the WordPress admin area.

Finally, a user can change their username by using the WP username changer plugin. This plugin is available for free from the WordPress.

org plugin repository and can be installed by clicking on the Plugins tab in the WordPress admin area and searching for WP username changer.