Can I Change Username in WordPress?

Many WordPress users are concerned about the security of their usernames and passwords. They want to be able to change their username if they ever need to, without having to worry about their old username being discovered and used by someone else.

Changing a username in WordPress is not as hard as you might think. You can change your username in WordPress by following these steps:

Log in to your WordPress account. Click on the “Profile” link in the top left corner of the dashboard. Click on the “Settings” link in the top left corner of the Profile page. Under “General,” click on the ” Username ” link.

Enter the new username in the ” Username ” box. Click on the “Save Changes” button.

To verify that the username change has been successful, you can check the “My Profile” page. The ” Username ” field should now display the new username.

If you decide that you no longer want the new username, you can revert to the original username by following the same steps, but clicking on the “Change Username” link instead of the ” Username ” link.


Changing your username in WordPress is not difficult, but it is important to remember to verify the change before you click on the “Save Changes” button. If you make a mistake, you can always revert to the original username by following the same steps.