Why Is WordPress Menu Not Working?

There are a few potential causes of why a WordPress menu may not be working as expected. The most common culprit is a missing plugin or a misconfigured theme.

In some cases, a broken link in the WordPress site’s files may be to blame. However, there are other potential issues that can cause a WordPress menu not to function properly, such as a problem with the WordPress installation itself.

If you’re experiencing problems with your WordPress menu, it’s important to take the time to diagnose the issue. In most cases, a missing plugin or a misconfigured theme is to blame.

However, if the problem persists even after you’ve installed the necessary plugins and updated your theme, it may be time to investigate the WordPress installation itself.

If you’re unable to resolve the issue yourself, it may be time to contact a WordPress support team. A qualified consultant may be able to help you troubleshoot the problem and get your WordPress menu working properly.