Why Is My Site Icon Not Showing WordPress?

If you are seeing an error message like “Your site doesn’t have a valid WordPress icon” when you try to view your site on a web browser, there is a good chance that your site’s WordPress icon is not showing. The WordPress icon is a small graphic that is used to identify your WordPress site on web browsers.

If you are using an older version of WordPress, the icon may not be automatically generated. You can generate a new WordPress icon by following the steps outlined in this guide.

If you are using a newer version of WordPress, the icon may be included as part of the theme that you are using. If you are using a custom theme, you may need to contact the theme author for assistance in finding and installing the icon file.

If you are using a custom domain, your WordPress site may not be showing up in search results or in the public directory. You will need to contact your web hosting provider to ensure that your site is registered with the correct domain name and that the icon is being shown in the correct location.

Finally, if you are using a custom domain and your theme does not include an icon file, you can download a free WordPress icon plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.