Why Does My WordPress URL Say Just Another WordPress Site?

There are a few potential reasons why a WordPress site may have a URL that just says “Another WordPress Site.” The most common reason is that the site was originally created using a different WordPress version than the one you’re using now. If you’re using the latest version of WordPress, then your site’s URL should be something like “https://yourdomain.

com” rather than “https://anotherWordPresssite.com.”.

Another possibility is that the site was never actually hosted on WordPress. Instead, it was hosted on a different platform, like Drupal or Apache, and WordPress was simply used to create the site’s content.

In this case, the site’s URL might look something like “https://anotherWordPresssite.com/.

The final possibility is that the site is actually hosted on WordPress, but the URL is incorrect. This can happen if you’ve forgotten to update the URL or if the site has been moved to a different domain. In this case, the site’s URL might look something like “https://anotherWordPresssite.

com/WordPress/?page_id=1″ or “https://anotherWordPresssite.com/?p=123.

If you’re ever unsure about a WordPress site’s URL, you can use the site’s address bar to check. Just replace the domain name with “http://anotherWordPresssite.

com/” and hit enter. If the site is actually hosted on WordPress, the site’s content should load automatically.