Why Does My WordPress Site Redirect?

When you visit a website, the browser sends a request to the website’s server. The server responds with a document, such as a HTML document, an image, or a script.

The browser then displays the document on the screen.

WordPress is a website management system. It’s a program that lets you create a website from scratch, or you can use WordPress to improve an existing website.

When you install WordPress, the WordPress installer creates a folder called wp-content on your server. The wp-content folder contains all the files and folders that WordPress needs to run.

One of the files in the wp-content folder is wp-config.php. WordPress uses this file to store important information about your WordPress site.

In particular, WordPress uses wp-config.php to store your WordPress site’s name, the path to your website’s files, your WordPress site’s domain name, and your WordPress site’s administrator username and password.

When you create a new WordPress site, the WordPress installer creates a file called wp-config.php in the wp-content folder. The file’s name is based on the name of your WordPress site. For example, if your WordPress site’s name is blog.

example.com, the file’s name is wp-config.

If you have an existing WordPress site, the WordPress installer doesn’t create a wp-config.php file. Instead, the installer uses the settings in your site’s existing wp-config.

The settings in your site’s wp-config.php file determine how WordPress functions. If you want to change the settings in your site’s wp-config.php file, you need to edit the file and then re-install WordPress.

If you don’t have a wp-config.php file, or if you want to change the settings in your site’s wp-config.

php file, you need to create a new file called wp-config.php and then use the settings in that file to configure WordPress.

If you edit the settings in your site’s wp-config.php file, WordPress automatically updates your site’s wp-content folder.

That means that your site’s visitors will see the changes you make to your site’s wp-config.

If you don’t want your site’s visitors to see the changes you make to your site’s wp-config.php file, you need to use a different name for your wp-config. For example, you can call your file wp-config.


If you want to disable the automatic updating of your site’s wp-content folder, you need to use a different name for your wp-config.php file and then disable the automatic update feature in your WordPress site’s settings.

If you want to disable the automatic updating of your site’s wp-content folder, you also need to disable the automatic update feature in your WordPress site’s settings and then delete the wp-content folder on your server.

When you visit a website, the browser sends a request to the website’s server. If you have a WordPress site, the WordPress installer creates a file called wp-config.

php in the wp-content folder.

If you want to change the settings in your site’s wp-config.

Alternatively, you can edit the settings in your site’s wp-config.php file and then disable the automatic update feature in your WordPress site’s settings and then delete the wp-content folder on your server.