Where Is Secondary Menu in WordPress?

Secondary menus are a great way to organize your content on your WordPress website. They can be found in the Appearance > Menus section of your website. To add a secondary menu, go to Appearance > Menus > Add New Menu.

Name your menu and then add the appropriate menu items. You can also add sub-menus and add custom menu items.

When you create a new menu, WordPress will create a shortcode for you. You can use this shortcode to add the menu to any post or page on your website.

You can also use the shortcode to add the menu to any custom post type that you create. You can also use the shortcode to add the menu to any widget area on your website.

When you add a menu item to a post or page, WordPress will automatically create a link to that menu item. You can also add a menu item to a post or page using the WordPress editor.

When you add a menu item using the editor, WordPress will not create a link. You will need to add a link to the menu item using the shortcode.

When you create a new menu item, WordPress will ask you to provide a title and a description. You can also add a link to the menu item.

When you add a menu item using the editor, WordPress will not ask you to provide a title or a description. You will need to add a title and a description using the shortcode.

When you create a new menu item, WordPress will ask you to provide a link to the menu item. You can also add a link to the menu item using the WordPress editor.

When you add a menu item using the editor, WordPress will not ask you to provide a link. You can also add a link to the menu item using the WordPress editor.