Where Is Product Page in WordPress?

WordPress divides its content into three main areas: The Posts, The Pages, and The Media. The Posts are the main content area on a WordPress site.

A WordPress site’s Pages are the individual pages that make up the posts. The Media is a collection of all the images and other files on a WordPress site.

The Posts Area

The Posts area is the main content area on a WordPress site. The posts are the individual pages that make up the WordPress site. WordPress divides the posts into two main sections: the front-matter and the body.

The front-matter is the information that precedes the body of the post. The body of the post is where the content of the post is located.

The Pages Area

The Pages area is the individual pages that make up the posts. Pages are created by users of WordPress by adding a page to the Posts area. Pages are divided into two main sections: the header and the body.

The header is the section at the top of the page that includes the site’s title and the site’s logo. The body is the section where the content of the page is located.

The Media Area

The Media area is a collection of all the images and other files on a WordPress site. The Media area is located at the bottom of the site’s main content area. The Media area is divided into two main sections: the gallery and the media library.

The gallery is a section where users can see all the images on the site. The media library is a section where users can see all the files on the site.