Where Is My Website URL in WordPress?

If you have a website, you likely have a URL for it. A URL is the string of characters that identifies a website on the internet.

WordPress uses URLs to identify websites in your blog posts, in the Appearance→Layout→URLs tab of your WordPress site, and in the address bar of your web browser.

The easiest way to determine where your WordPress website URL is is to open your website’s address in a web browser. In the address bar of your web browser, type the URL for your website.

If you’re using a web hosting company, they likely provide you with a WordPress site address that you can use in place of the URL.

If you’re not using a web hosting company or you can’t find your website’s address, you can find your website URL in the Appearance→Layout→URLs tab of your WordPress site. In this tab, you can see your website URL and the address of your website’s root directory.

If you’re not using a web hosting company and you can’t find your website’s URL, you can find your website URL in the address bar of your web browser. In this bar, you can see your website’s hostname (the name of your computer or the name of your internet service provider) followed by the domain name (for example, www.example.

com). The domain name is the last part of your website’s URL.