Where Does the Featured Image Appear on WordPress?

When you add a featured image to a post or page on WordPress, it appears in the header at the top of the page. You can also add a featured image to a widget, or use one of the many WordPress plugins that let you add a featured image to your posts and pages.

Where Does the Featured Image Appear on the Web?

When you add a featured image to a WordPress post or page, it appears in the header at the top of the page.

Featured images also appear on many other websites, including the homepages of major news organizations. In fact, the featured image that appears on WordPress.

com is actually the homepage of the Huffington Post.

Where Does the Featured Image Appear on WordPress.com?

When you add a featured image to a WordPress post or page, it appears in the header at the top of the page.

Featured images also appear on many other websites, including the homepages of major news organizations.