Where Do You Put Images in WordPress Themes?

Images are a big part of any WordPress theme. In fact, many themes include images as part of the theme itself, or as part of the plugin or theme distribution files.

There are a few different places you can put images in a WordPress theme:

In the header, footer, and sidebars of your theme.

In the header and footer of each page.

In your theme’s header and footer functions.

In the functions.php file.

In the wp-config.

In the theme’s style.css file.

In any image file you want to use.

There are a few things to keep in mind when placing images in your WordPress theme:

Images should be placed in the same directory as your theme files.

You should use the same filename for your images as you use for your theme files.

You should place your images in the theme’s images folder.

You should use the same naming convention for your images as you do for your theme files.

You should include an image size for each image you include.

You should include a title for each image you include.

When you include an image in your theme, you should use the following code:

” alt=”” />

You can include an image in your theme’s header and footer functions by using the following code:

echo get_header(); ?> ” alt=”” /> ” alt=”” />

If you have a large image, you can include it in a post or page by using the following code:

” alt=”” />

When including an image in your theme, you should also include a title for it. You can do this by using the following code:
