Where Do I Register Custom Post Type in WordPress?

In order to create a custom post type in WordPress, you first need to create a custom post type plugin. There are a number of popular plugins that allow you to do this, such as Custom Post Type by WPBakery Page Builder or Custom Post Type by Jetpack.

Once you have installed the plugin, you will need to go to the plugin’s settings page and enter the details for your new custom post type.

Once you have entered the details, you will need to create a template for your new custom post type. You can use any of the built-in WordPress templates or create your own using the WordPress custom post type plugin’s built-in template editor.

Once you have created your template, you will need to copy it into the themes folder and activate it in the WordPress admin.

Now you can start creating your custom post types using the built-in functions of the WordPress custom post type plugin. For example, you can create a custom post type for your blog’s latest blog post, a custom post type for your blog’s latest article, or a custom post type for your blog’s latest blog post series.

Once you have created your custom post type, you will need to add it to your WordPress site’s posts list. To do this, open the WordPress post editor and enter the post’s slug (the unique identifier for the post) into the post’s slug field.

Then enter the post’s custom post type slug into the post’s custom post type field. Finally, enter the post’s content into the post’s body field.

Finally, you will need to add a category to the post’s category list and publish the post. To do this, open the WordPress post editor and enter the post’s category into the post’s category field.

Then enter the post’s publish date into the post’s publish date field. Finally, click the publish button to save the post and publish it to your WordPress site.