Where Do I Paste Global Site Tags in WordPress?

Global site tags are tags that can be applied to any WordPress site. They make it easy to find and use specific content across all your sites. To add global tags in WordPress, go to the “Settings” screen, and under the “Site” heading, click on the “Site Tags” tab. From here, you can add any tags you want.

To see a list of all the global tags currently available, click on the “All Tags” link. To add a new tag, click on the “New Tag” button and enter the tag name in the box that appears. To remove a tag, click on the “Remove Tag” button and select the tag from the list. When you’re finished, click on the “Save Settings” button.

To use global tags in your posts and pages, just insert the tagname(s) in the appropriate place. For example, if you want to use the “travel” tag, you would insert “travel” in the “Tag” field of a post or page.

You can also use the “Enter” (or “Return”) key to automatically insert the tagname into a post or page.