Where Do I Find Menus in WordPress?

There are many different ways to organize menus in WordPress. You can create a custom menu, use one of the built-in menus, or use a plugin to add a custom menu to your site.

To create a custom menu, start by creating a new file called menus.php in your theme directory.

The contents of this file will determine the layout and appearance of your custom menu. You’ll need to include the following line to include the WordPress menus library:.



Next, you’ll need to specify the name of your menu. You can use any name you want, but make sure to include the .

php extension so WordPress can recognize it as a PHP file. For our example, we’ll call our menu “Menu 1.”.

To create the menu’s contents, you’ll need to use the WP_Menu() function. This function takes two arguments: the name of the menu and the list of menu items.

Each menu item in a menu is represented by a WP_Menu_Item object. This object contains a few essential properties: ID, title, description, and position.

To create a new menu item, you’ll need to use the WP_Menu_Item::create() function. This function takes four arguments: the title, the description, the position, and the ID of the menu item.

Here’s an example of how you could create a menu item in our example menu:

$item->title = ‘Menu Item 1′;

$item->description = ‘Description of Menu Item 1′;

$item->position = 0;

$item->id = ‘Menu Item 1′;

You can also use the WP_Menu_Item::get_children() function to get a list of all the menu items in the menu. This function takes an optional parameter calleddepth , which determines how many levels of menu items the function returns.

Here’s an example of how you could get a list of all the menu items in the “Menu 1″ menu:

$items = WP_Menu_Item::get_children(0, 3);

If you want to create a submenu, you’ll need to use the WP_Menu_Item::add_submenu() function. This function takes three arguments: the ID of the menu, the title of the submenu, and the position of the submenu in the menu.

Here’s an example of how you could add a submenu to the “Menu 1″ menu:

$item = WP_Menu_Item::add_submenu(1, ‘My Submenu’, 0);

Finally, you can use the WP_Menu_Item::remove_submenu() function to remove a submenu from the menu. This function takes the ID of the submenu to be removed as a parameter.

Here’s an example of how you could remove the “My Submenu” submenu from the “Menu 1″ menu:

$item = WP_Menu_Item::remove_submenu(1);


Menu creation in WordPress is fairly simple, and there are many different ways to do it. If you’re looking to create a custom menu, be sure to start by creating a new file called menus.php in your theme directory and include the WordPress menus library.

Then, use the WP_Menu() function to create the menu’s contents. You can also use the WP_Menu_Item::create() function to create new menu items, and the WP_Menu_Item::get_children() function to get a list of all the menu items in the menu.