Where Do I Add Tags in WordPress?

In WordPress, tagging is used to organize content. Tags can be added to any post or page using the WordPress tagging system.

To add a tag, click the “Add a Tag” link at the bottom of the post or page editing screen.

To view all the posts and pages tagged with a certain tag, click the tag’s link in the tag list on the left side of the screen. You can also search for a tag using the “Find Posts” and “Find Pages” tools on the left side of the screen.

Once you’ve added a tag, you can use it to find posts and pages that are relevant to your interests. You can also use tags to help you find posts that are about a specific topic.

If you want to delete a tag, click the “Remove” link next to the tag’s name. You can also delete tags that you no longer use.

Deleting a tag will remove all the posts and pages that are tagged with that tag from the WordPress tag list and the WordPress search engine.