Where Can I Find WordPress Help?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) for websites and blogs. It is free and open-source software released under the GPL.

WordPress is used by millions of people around the world, including many large organizations, such as The Guardian, Forbes, and The New York Times.

If you are experiencing problems with WordPress, there are many places you can turn for help. WordPress.

com is the official support site for WordPress. They offer a wide range of resources, including a forum, articles, and tutorials.

If you need more specific help, you can also try the following resources:

WordPress Codex: The definitive WordPress guide.
WordPress.org Forums: A great place to find help with specific issues.

WordPress.org Support: A more general support site.
WordPress Codex: The definitive WordPress guide.

The WordPress Codex is the definitive guide to using and customizing WordPress. It is a comprehensive resource, covering everything from installing WordPress to creating custom themes and plugins.

If you are new to WordPress, or need a refresher on how to use it, the WordPress Codex is a great place to start.

WordPress.org Forums

The WordPress.org Forums are a great place to find help with specific issues. They are full of experienced WordPress users who are happy to help.

If you are having trouble with a specific feature or configuration, the WordPress.org Forums are a good place to start troubleshooting.

WordPress.org Support

If you need more general support, the WordPress.org Support site is a good place to start. They offer a wide range of resources, including FAQs, articles, and tutorials. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for on the WordPress.

org Forums, or you need more help than the WordPress.com Support team can offer, the WordPress.org Support site is a good place to turn.