Where Are WordPress Page Templates Stored?

WordPress page templates are stored in the wp-content/themes/ directory. They are typically stored in a theme’s folder named “templates.”

You can access the templates in your theme by accessing the “templates” folder in your theme’s root directory and then browsing to the “pages” folder. Within the pages folder, you’ll find a folder for each theme.

Within that theme’s folder, you’ll find a folder for each page type.

Each page type has its own folder, and within that folder, you’ll find a folder for each template. The name of the template is the name of the page type followed by “_template.

” For example, the “home” page type has a folder named “home_template,” and the “about” page type has a folder named “about_template.”.

To use a page template, you must first copy the template’s file to your theme’s folder and then rename the file to match the name of the page type. For example, if you want to use the “about” page template, you would copy the “about_template” file to your theme’s folder and rename it to “about.
