What Plugins Can Use WordPress 5 for Two-Step Authentication?

WordPress 5 is introducing a new two-factor authentication (2FA) system that allows users to securely log in to their sites using a code sent to their phone. 2FA is a security measure that requires users to enter two different pieces of information in order to access their account.

This new 2FA system is available with a number of WordPress plugins, and there are a number of ways that these plugins can help you to use 2FA on your site. Some of the most popular WordPress 2FA plugins include Two-Step Verification by WPForms and Google Authenticator.

These plugins allow you to set up 2FA on your site by either generating a new code every time you log in or by automatically logging you in if you have already entered your code.

2FA is a valuable security measure, and by using plugins like Two-Step Verification you can make sure that your users are always protected. If you are looking for a way to add 2FA to your WordPress site, be sure to check out the options available in the plugins marketplace.