What Is WordPress Page Slug?

WordPress Page Slug is a unique identifier that WordPress uses to automatically create the name of your WordPress blog posts and pages. WordPress automatically assigns a slug to your posts and pages when you create them, based on the post or page’s content.

For example, if you create a post with the title “My Awesome Blog Post Title,” WordPress will automatically create the slug “my-awesome-blog-post.” If you create a page titled “My Awesome Page Title,” WordPress will create the slug “my-awesome-page.”

You can change the slug for a post or page by editing the post’s title or page title respectively. However, be aware that changing the slug may cause your posts and pages to lose search engine ranking, since search engines use slugs as part of their algorithms.

WordPress Page Slug is a helpful way to easily identify a post or page in your WordPress blog. It’s a great way to easily remember the title of a post, and it’s also helpful for SEO purposes.