What Is Flyout Menu in WordPress?

An “exploded view” of a flyout menu in WordPress.

Flyout menus are a handy way to provide a quick access to a set of options from within a WordPress blog post or page. They’re typically displayed as a series of pop-UPS that appear when you hover your cursor over a certain part of a web page.

Flyout menus are available as a plugin and can be added to any WordPress site. Once installed, you simply configure the plugin to add a flyout menu to the site.

Flyout menus are also available as a native feature of the WordPress blogging platform.

Flyout menus are a great way to provide a quick access to a set of options from within a WordPress blog post or page.

Flyout menus are a nifty way to provide a quick access to a set of options from within a WordPress blog post or page.

Flyout menus are a handy way to provide a.