What Is Difference Between Project and Page in WordPress?

When you create a new WordPress project, you are creating a folder, inside of which is a folder for the theme you are using, as well as a folder for the files and directories that make up your site. When you create a new WordPress page, you are creating a new directory inside of your WordPress site.

Pages are not projects, and a project cannot have pages. .

Pages are created to hold static content, such as a home page for your site, a contact page, or a about page. WordPress does not provide any way to create dynamic content, such as a blog post, from a page.

Pages are simply static files that are placed in a directory and served up by WordPress.

Pages can be created from a project, but they cannot be converted to a project. Pages are simply a way to organize and serve up static files from your WordPress site.

Pages are great for setting up a home page for your site, or for holding static content that does not need to be accessible from within a project. Pages are not as good for holding content that needs to be accessible from within a project, because they are not automatically compiled into a WordPress site.

Pages are not as good for holding content that needs to be accessible from within a project, because they are not automatically compiled into a WordPress site.

When you create a new WordPress project, you are creating a folder, inside of which is a folder for the theme you are using, as well as a folder for the files and directories that make up your site. Pages are not projects, and a project cannot have pages.

When you create a new WordPress page, you are creating a new directory inside of your WordPress site.

Pages are simply static files that are placed in a directory and served up by WordPress. Pages can be created from a project, but they cannot be converted to a project.

Pages are simply a way to organize and serve up static files from your WordPress site.

When you create a new WordPress page, you are creating a new directory inside of your WordPress site.