What Is Clone Post in WordPress?

Clone Post is a WordPress feature that allows you to create a copy of a post, page, or custom post type. When you clone a post, you’re essentially creating a copy of the post that you can modify as you see fit.

This means that you can use the clone post feature to create copies of posts that you’ve already created, as well as posts that you plan to create in the future.

Clone post is a great way to organize your posts and keep them all in one place. You can also use the clone post feature to create copies of posts that you want to use as templates for new posts.

This means that you can quickly create new posts that use the same formatting and layout as one of your existing posts.

Overall, clone post is a great way to organize your WordPress posts and make it easier to create new posts. It’s also a great way to create copies of posts that you want to use as templates for new posts.