What Is a Page Link in WordPress?

A WordPress page link is a special type of link that points to a specific page on your website. This type of link is helpful for setting up navigation for your website.

When a visitor clicks a page link, they will be taken to the specified page on your website.

WordPress page links can be created using the WordPress link editor. To create a page link, first add a link to the page you want to link to in the text of your post or on an image.

Then, use the link editor to enter the address of the page you want to link to.

When you create a page link, WordPress will also create a unique permalink for the link. This permalink will be unique for each page link you create and can be used to find the link in the WordPress Edit Post page.

WordPress also provides a number of other features for creating page links, including the ability to add a link to a specific post, category, or tag. You can also add a link to a specific date or time.

Finally, it’s important to note that page links are only available to posts and pages that are published and available to be seen by the public. You won’t be able to create page links for unpublished posts or pages.


Page links are a helpful way to organize your website’s navigation. When you create page links, WordPress will also create a permalink for the link.

These permalinks can be used to find the link in the WordPress Edit Post page. Finally, page links are only available to posts and pages that are published and available to be seen by the public.