What Does Set as Post Page Mean in WordPress?

When you create a post in WordPress, you have the option of setting it as the page’s post type. This means that WordPress will create a separate page for your post, instead of just displaying it on the main page like normal posts.

This can be useful if you want to organize your posts in a different way, or if you want to keep track of which posts are related to which other posts.

WordPress also allows you to set a post as the home page for a site. This means that your post will be the first thing people see when they visit your site, regardless of whether they’re logged in or not.

This can be useful if you want to promote your posts to a wider audience, or if you just want to make sure that your posts are the first thing people see when they visit your site.

Finally, setting a post as the home page for a site also means that your post will be the first thing people see when they search for information about your site. This can be useful if you want to make sure that people know about your latest post, or if you want to provide a link to your post so that people can read it without having to search for it.