What Does Add Action Do in WordPress?

Adding action to your WordPress posts and pages can help you organize and track your blog content. By clicking on the “Add Action” button, you can add custom links, actions, and triggers to your content.

The “Add Action” button also lets you add custom fields to your posts and pages, so you can easily track the actions your readers take on your content.

Adding action to your content can help you track how your readers are using your blog. You can use action links to take your readers to other pages on your site, or to other posts in your blog.

You can also use action fields to track how many times each post has been read, shared, or clicked on. This information can help you track which posts are getting the most attention, and help you make decisions about which posts to publish next.

Adding action to your content can also help you track the success of your blog marketing efforts. By tracking which posts are getting the most attention, you can decide which posts to promote on social media, and which posts to add to your blog’s “Best of” list.

You can also use action fields to track which posts are getting the most shares, comments, and likes. This information can help you track which posts are working well for your blog, and which posts you need to tweek to make them even more successful.

Adding action to your content can help you organize and track your blog content.