What Are WordPress Themes and Plugins?

WordPress themes and plugins are both tools that make your WordPress blog or website look and feel different. They’re both available through the WordPress.

org repository, and both can be used to add functionality to your site.

WordPress themes are essentially templates that give your site a starting point. They come with a variety of features, including custom backgrounds, header images, and menus.

You can also use themes to change the look and feel of your site, without having to learn code.

WordPress plugins are pieces of code that allow you to do things like add new features to your site, modify the look and feel of your site, or change the way your site works. Plugins can be added to your site via the WordPress.

org repository, or they can be downloaded and installed directly from the WordPress site.

WordPress themes and plugins can be a great way to customize your site, and they can also be a great way to add additional functionality to your site. If you’re looking to make a significant change to the look and feel of your blog or website, either a WordPress theme or a WordPress plugin may be a great option for you.