What Are the Limitations of Free WordPress?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch, or to improve an existing website. WordPress is free and open source software released under the GPL, meaning that it is free to use, modify, and distribute.

WordPress has many features that make it an attractive platform for websites and blogs, including a wide variety of plugins and themes that make it easy to customize your site, a well-designed administrative interface, and a large community of developers and enthusiasts who can help you solve problems or add features to your site.

However, WordPress has some limitations that should be considered before using it for a website or blog. First, WordPress is not as customizable or extendable as some other CMSs, such as Drupal or Joomla. Second, WordPress is not as well-supported as some other CMSs, and there may be certain features or bugfixes that are not available in the latest version of WordPress. Third, WordPress is not as user-friendly as some other CMSs, and some users may find it difficult to learn how to use it.

Fourth, WordPress is not as widely used as some other CMSs, meaning that it may not be available in all major web browsers or devices. Finally, WordPress does not support as many languages as some other CMSs, meaning that it may not be available in all languages or regions.

Overall, WordPress is a popular and well-utilized CMS that has a number of advantages and limitations that should be considered before using it for a website or blog.