What Are the Default WordPress Plugins?

When you first set up a WordPress site, you’re likely to find that there are a few default plugins that come pre-installed. These plugins include a plugin to create a login page, a plugin to create a custom header and footer, and a plugin to manage posts and pages.

Default plugins can be a helpful starting point, but you’ll likely want to add additional plugins to customize your site further. There are thousands of plugins available on WordPress.

org, and you can find plugins to do just about anything you could imagine.

When choosing plugins, be sure to read the description and reviews to make sure you’re selecting the right one. You may also want to consider whether a plugin is essential for your WordPress site.

If it’s not essential, you can usually disable it or remove it without affecting your site’s functionality.

Finally, be aware that some plugins may have security risks. Make sure to review the plugin’s security features before installing it.