Is WordPress Update Free?

When it comes to WordPress updates, there is usually a cost associated with them. However, there are a few times each year when a WordPress update is free.

In the past, these have been known as “WordPress Security Updates” and “WordPress Maintenance Releases”.

This year, the free WordPress update is scheduled for May 31st. This update is called ” WordPress 4.7.

1 “. This release includes security fixes and updates to the WordPress core.

If you are running a WordPress site and would like to update to WordPress 4.1, you can do so by clicking on the ” Updates ” link on the WordPress admin panel, and then selecting ” Update Now “. If you are not running a WordPress site, or if you do not want to update to WordPress 4.

7.1, you can click on the ” WordPress 4.0 updates ” link, and then select ” Install Now “.

The conclusion of this article is that there is a cost associated with WordPress updates, but there are a few times each year when a WordPress update is free. If you would like to be sure to receive updates for your WordPress site, you should check the ” Updates ” link on the WordPress admin panel each month, and select ” Update Now ” if there is an update available.