Is WordPress Com Still Free?

Since its inception, WordPress has been a free and open source software platform. However, in January of 2018, WordPress announced that it would be transitioning to a subscription-based model.

This move has generated mixed reactions, with many users lamenting the loss of WordPress’ longstanding free status. .

Despite the mixed reaction, it is important to consider the long-term implications of WordPress’ decision to transition to a subscription-based model. While the transition may be disruptive for some users, it will ultimately benefit the platform as a whole.

By shifting away from a free model, WordPress is able to focus on developing a stronger platform and expanding its user base. This shift also sets a precedent for other software platforms, which may be looking to move away from free models in the future.

Ultimately, while the transition to a subscription-based model may be disruptive for some users, it is ultimately a positive move for WordPress as a whole.